
dimecres, 18 de novembre del 2009
Oral Presentation (Twilight)

- SERGI: Okay, let's get started. Hello everybody, my name is Sergi and this is my friend Tània.

- TÀNIA: Hello, we are student at Casa Nostra School and today we talk about the interesting film: Twilight.

- SERGI: Twilight is a vampire romantic novel that is addressed to the teen audience and the author of the series is Stephenie Meyer.

- TÀNIA: There are 4 books, but the moment, have only made the film of the first book.

- SERGI: The books are:

  • Twilight
  • New Moon
  • Eclipse
  • Breaking Dawn

- TÀNIA: Now, I'm going to present the principal characters of Twilight:

The Vampire are:

  • Edward Cullen: is a vampire of the Cullen family and he is love with Bella
  • Esme Cullen: is a vampire and she is the adoptive mother of the Cullen family
  • Carlisle Cullen: is a vampire and he is the adoptive father of the Cullen family
  • Alice Hale: is a vampire of the Cullen family and she is in love with Jasper
  • Emmett Cullen: is a vampire of the Cullen family and he is in love with Rosalie
  • Rosalie Cullen: is a vampire of the Cullen Family and she is in love with Emmett
  • Jasper Hale: is a vampire of the Cullen Family and he is in love with Alice

- SERGI: And human are:

  • Isabella Swan: is the protagonist of this movie and she is in love with Edward
  • Charlie Swan: is the father of Bella
  • Renee Dwyer: is the mother of Bella
  • Jacob Black: is a good friend of Bella

- TÀNIA: It all begins when Isabella Swan moves from Phoenix to Forks and his life makes a dramatic change when she falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen.

- SERGI: One day, there are find a bad vampires, and one of these, James, he wants to kill Bella. The end, the good vampires, the Cullens, they kill James and everything ends well.

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