OUR BUSINESS: total t-shirts.
I'd like to tell about our business. The name of our company is Total T-shirts. The directors of this company are Tània Omedes and Eugeni Masgrau.
The business has started in 12th of August of 2009. The company make t-shirts from recycled materials. We think that our service will be successful because it's original and beautiful.
The product will want the young people. Now, we sell the service in a shops but in the future we will have an Internet page and a catalogue. In the future we will need more people and they will have to be energetic and ambitious.
I'd like to tell about our business. The name of our company is Total T-shirts. The directors of this company are Tània Omedes and Eugeni Masgrau.
The business has started in 12th of August of 2009. The company make t-shirts from recycled materials. We think that our service will be successful because it's original and beautiful.
The product will want the young people. Now, we sell the service in a shops but in the future we will have an Internet page and a catalogue. In the future we will need more people and they will have to be energetic and ambitious.
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